Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Veil Is Thinner Than You Think

I believe that the veil that separates this life from the life beyond is thinner than we think. Especially for babies and toddlers. They are fresh from the pre-mortal life in the presence of God and in the company of our ancestors and the veil separating them from that is very thin.

Like when my husband and I found out that we were having a boy. We decided to name him Elijah. a few days later we were babysitting my niece and nephew. While we were babysitting I would show pictures of people in our family to my two year old niece and asking her what their names were. With each picture she new exactly who they were and would tell me their names. Then I got to a picture of my ultra sound and thought it would be fun to ask her who it was to see what she would do. "June, who is this?" I said as I pointed to the picture of the ultra sound.

Without even hesitating she looked at the picture and said, "Elijah," very matter-of-factly and went back to playing.

I looked at Zayne and by the look on his face I knew he had heard it too. I knew at that moment that Elijah and June had spent time together in the pre-mortal life and that they knew each other. How amazing is that! That many of us knew each other before we were born? That a lot of us were friends before we were born! I think that's why with some people we just click and it feels like we have known each other forever, because we actually have! MIND BLOWN!

The veil IS thinner than we think, and we DO have help from BOTH sides of the veil.

Another example from my son is after we had decided on the name Elijah we were trying to think of middle names and I just felt like he had a very close connection to my grandpa so we named him Elijah Seymour Glatz after my Grandpa Seymour. And through out the whole pregnancy I felt as if my grandpa was there helping me through it. "Sometimes the veil between this life and the life beyond becomes very thin. Our loved ones who have passed on are not far from us." (Ezra Taft Benson)

I just know that he and Eli had spent a lot of time together up in heaven. I feel that through out Eli's life my grandpa will be there helping him, even if he doesn't know it. Like the pioneers that felt someone pushing their handcart from behind but when they looked back they saw no one. It was because they had help from the other side of the veil. "You have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike... remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection." (Jeffrey R. Holland, 'For Time of Trouble' March 1980) 


How great is it that not only people we know here on earth are cheering us on and helping us, but people on the other side of the veil are too. We have the help, we have the encouragement. We can beat Satan. And we can make it back to our loving Heavenly Father again. Remember, "heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow, and forever." (Jeffrey R. Holland)

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