Friday, January 20, 2017

3 Things I Hope That My Kids Take To Heart

There are so many life lessons and things that kids should learn, like saying please and thank you, washing their hands, and sharing etc. Those things are important for them to learn but there are a few other things I hope they take to heart. Here are 3.

1- To never apologize for their faith. Too many people these days are hiding their faith from others to keep from offending or of being attacked because of their faith. But you should never have to hide your faith. You should wear it as a badge, if someone asks about your faith never be embarrassed, be apologetically proud. I once heard a saying that went, "If you were arrested for being Mormon would there be enough evidence to convict you?" I would hope that answer would be yes. 

2-  To "always be humble and kind"- Just like Tim Mcgraw teaches us. Nobody is better than anyone, no matter what. No matter faith, skin color, the amount of money they have, no matter what. It is never okay to  have a holier than thou mindset or think you are better than anyone. Everyone is amazing in their own ways. 

3- That family is always important- No matter if you are getting along at the moment or not family is always family. You should always be there to support and uplift your family, as they would for you. "Families are Ordained of God." (The Family- a Proclamation to the world) God created the family unit because it is essential to his great plan. Families are so important to him that he created a way for them to be together through the eternities, by being sealed together in the temple. 
(My little Guy)

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