Friday, January 13, 2017

My Understanding (A post I wrote a while ago but never published until now)

Photo by: Rebekah Hatch, Hatch Photography
I’ve come to realize what this life is really like, (The military life) what it’s really about. It took me going to the hospital to understand.

I woke up at 3 in the morning with a stabbing pain in my chest and back. It hurt so bad I couldn’t breathe. Seeing me in so much pain scared my husband Zayne to death so he made me go to the hospital, practically forcing me. (If you know me you know I absolutely HATE going to a doctor of any kind.)

We get to the hospital around 5, since it took a lot of convincing to get me to go, and the hospital staff admitted me to the labor and delivery department. Since I’m 33 weeks pregnant they wanted to make sure it’s not labor related first. As I sat in the hospital bed, holding Zayne’s hand, I watched as the clock got closer and closer to 6:30. Why? Because it was drill weekend.

Why does something serious happen when my husband has to leave my side and go to drill? I’m only 19.. I haven’t got this being an adult thing down yet. I just wanted to cry. But the inevitable happened and he got in his uniform, kissed me goodbye and left alone in the hospital. I felt like crying but then one of the nurses said something that made me understand, She said to my husband as he walked out, “Thank you for your service, I’m sorry that you have to leave at such an inconvenient time.”

And then I realized it. Someone has to give up everything to serve and protect. Someone needs to be willing to put their life on the line for America. Ya it sucks that my husband had to leave me alone at the hospital to go to drill, but I’m proud that he is willing to do what most are unwilling to do but take for granted everyday. I’m proud to stand behind one of the great men that serve our country.

So thank you to every man and woman serving in our military. Thank you to their families who give up a parent, son, or daughter during hard times, holidays or just everyday life because they are at drill, or deployed. Thank you because your sacrifice of giving up that special someone give America another soldier to protect her rights and freedom. Because as we all know freedom doesn’t come free.

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