Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hold Him a Little Longer

I know how stressful it is to be a mom. Life gets busy, chores pile up, errands need ran, and the baby still needs fed every 2 hours. The mountain of laundry mocks me every time I walk into the room. The dishes from yesterdays dinner are still sitting in the sink waiting for me to wash them. And if I'm being completely honest, I haven't showered in a couple days. There is so much to get done in a 24 hour day it causes most moms major stress trying to keep up with it all.

But today, I'm not going to do any of that, it can wait until tomorrow. Today I am going to pull my little guy close and whisper to him how much I love him. Today I am going to cuddle with him and try to memorize the way he smells of baby lotion. Today I am going to read him a story, and then a few more. I'll sing him my favorite primary songs and nursery rhymes. I'll count his little fingers and toes one more time. I'll hold him tight and take a note of how small he is. 

Because soon he will no longer be this little baby I'm holding right now. Soon he will be an adult and will be moving out. Soon he will be getting married and having kids of his own. Soon but not today. So for today while he is still my little baby boy, I'm going to hold him a little longer, and love on him a little more. 

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