Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10 Activities For Little Ones in The Fall

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, the leaves are changing color, it's starting to cool off, hot chocolate is acceptable and you can cuddle without dying of heat. Now that I have a little one, I want to share my love of fall with him, so I compiled a list of activities for little ones in the fall.

1. Go to a Pumpkin Patch/Farm
There are so many amazing farms that have pumpkin patches and other activities for children. Usually, they cost anywhere from $3-$10. The one I like to go to has a corn maze, a pumpkin patch, a corn pit, a petting zoo, and a slide. It's a lot of fun for kids of all ages and a good way to get out of the house and teach kids about farms!

2. Carving/Decorating Pumpkins

This has always been a tradition in my family, and I am sure it is a tradition in many other families. Depending on the age you may want to carve pumpkins or paint them, or put stickers on them! Painting pumpkins is a good alternative for little ones who aren't quite old enough to use a knife or carving tool. You can buy paint and brushes for cheap at Wal-Mart, Joan's, or any craft store. At Wal-Mart acrylic paint is $.50 each so you can usually get away with spending less than $5 on this craft! If your little one is under or around one it's always fun to carve a pumpkin for them to sit in! I think these make the cutest pictures to keep for years to come.

3. Playing in the fall leaves
 It's always fun to get outside and run around. And your yard needs to be raked up anyway, so make that chore become a little family fun. Work together to rake up leaves into a pile and have some fun jumping into the fall leaves. Then when you're done you can re-rake the leaves and finish the chore.

4. Arts & Crafts
whether is closer to Halloween or thanksgiving there a lot of fun crafts for little children. There are printable coloring pages you can get online of almost anything. Hand turkeys are always a classic around Thanksgiving time and you could ask them what they are thankful for as you make them.
For Halloween, you can turn the hands upside down and make them into monsters!

5. Collect Leaves and Make Leaf Art
Use the fall leaves for art! take a leaf put in behind a piece of paper, then use a crayon to color where the leaf is when your done coloring it will look exactly like the leaf!

6. Trick or Treating
Don't forget to visit family and friends on your trick or treat route so they can see your cute little ones in costumes!

7. Go On a Fall Nature Walk
Show your children all the different colors of leaves, take in the cool air and get some exercise.

8. Have a Campfire Before it Gets to Cold
I love fall campfires, cuddling under the stars watching the fire, making smores. If you are worried about your little one wanting to touch the fire because they are too little to understand, us a booster seat, high chair or bouncer to keep them from crawling into the fire. My little guy wouldn't let me hold him, all he wanted to do was crawl into the fire, so we used this hack and it worked great!

9. Make Festive Treats
You could make Halloween or Thanksgiving shaped sugar cookies, caramel apples, or popcorn balls. Don't forget to listen to The Monster Mash, and The Purple People Eater while your cooking!

10. Read Holiday Books
If you are closer to Halloween read books about Halloween, one of my favorites from growing up was, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! By Lucille Colandro. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

A Mom in College

Well, It's been a while since I have posted on my blog. Life get's busy and it's hard to find time to write sometimes. I mean nobody is paying me to post, so I don't have that motivation like a lot of other bloggers do. So life gets crazy, I can't find time to post and that's ok.

Anyways... I'm back! YAY! So here it goes.....

My husband and I are both enrolled in full-time college classes at SUU. (Southern Utah University) GO THUNDERBIRDS!

And let me tell you, it is hard. Trying to find time for homework, to take care of your child, clean the house, and find family time, is hard as heck. I shouldn't even complain because my poor husband is doing all that plus working 3 jobs. (He is absolutely amazing, I know!)

But no matter how hard it gets, it is doable. For me, I just need to remember the reasons why I am there. For example:

1. I am there to make a better future for my children.
2. So I can have a career that I enjoy and has more opportunities.
3. To show my children that no matter how hard it gets you can achieve your dreams if you work hard
4. I have always had goal to go to college
5. I am lucky to have this opportunity and be given a grant to pay for it.

By the time I get to number 5 on that list I am feeling a lot better and ready to get to work typing my essay for English while simultaneously making sure Elijah is staying safe in the bathtub. Because multitasking is something I have had to learn to do to be able to care for Eli and do homework at the same time.

My life has become a delicate balance between the most important things and I have to work hard to stay on top of them. But as my first college midterm passes I feel like wonder woman. I can go to school with a 10-month-old son, and I can get good grades while doing it. No, it does not take away from his childhood and he isn't going to be scarred for life that I left him with a babysitter while I go to class. It will teach him the value of education and that if you work hard, no matter your circumstances you can achieve just that. And that is priceless compared to what I have to give up.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Goodbye Again Soldier

He cried. The man I have only seen cry maybe once was crying. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he held our son and looked at him. He's a tough one, he doesn't let things get to him like many others do. But as we stood there, watching the minutes tick by to the time he had to finally let go he cried. We cried. He held me and our son for one last time before we were once again separated because of the military. But as many military families do every day, we said good bye and I drove away and the countdown begins and life goes on. This is forever the cycle of military life. Goodbye's, welcome home's, see ya later's and hello's.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Too Easy

To be honest, a lot of the time I am jealous of civilian marriages. Although there are definitely times that I love being married to a soldier, I mean that pride you feel whenever people talk about the "great" men and woman who serve this country or whenever someone thanks your hubby for his service is great. And lets be honest, he looks pretty amazing in his uniform. But there are days like today you wish you were in a civilian marriage.

Today is mothers day, and to be more specific today is my very first mothers day. But Zayne couldn't be with me today because he is still in Army Basic Training. Which, to be honest sucks. Like I am so very proud of him and what he is doing so he can serve this great country, don't get me wrong, but of course being away from him for so long with little to no communication sucks. (I did understand that was part of the deal when we decided after we were married that he should join.)

Anyways, back to my story. So it's my first mothers day and I think that they will for sure let them call us today. I was counting on it. I'm not even sure why I counted on it. I already no that you can't count on the Army for anything unless it is that the Army always comes first. (That of course is on anything personal. Of course we can count on them to keep us safe and to do the best they can in any task they are given) But I got my hopes up and waited by my phone all day. Jumping at any notification hoping just hoping it was a call from him. 21:00 rolls around and I know that is around the time lights are out for them and they are in bed and I come to realization that no, I am not getting a call today. No, I won't get to hear from my husband on my first ever mothers day.

So yes, today is one of those days I wish I was in a civilian marriage. But at the same time I know this is what God wanted for me and my family and it is the best thing for us. Sometimes the best things are the hardest things. So I'll just embrace the suck and remember that this is all for the best.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Letter To My Husband at Basic 2

Dear Loving Husband,

I hold our baby close for you and whisper to him that his daddy loves him. I tell him stories about you so he knows who you are. I let him play with your dog tags and tell him what everything means on them. I pray for your peace and protection with him every night.

We make this separation work. We walk this path not alone, but with Christ, helping us through times of loneliness reminding us we aren't alone. I pray you look to him in this time of need. 

Together we count the days until we can see you next. Stay strong for me until then and we will stay strong for you until then. 

Forever yours,
            Your Loving Wife

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Letter To My Husband At Basic Training

My Loving Husband,

I wear your RSP dog tags everyday so I have you close to my heart. I count down the days until I can see you next. I hear you telling me I'm strong and that if anyone can handle the distance I can. I imagine you laying next to me every night before bed remembering the times I would keep you up because I had to tell you everything I was thinking. I still tell you everything I'm thinking, just in written form. So of course sometimes my letters don't make any sense. But that's okay because you know me and you will understand. My loving Husband, I'm grateful for the sacrifices you make for our family. but most of all, I'm grateful for you and for the strength you give me through the things you have told me in the past. Those things help me get through this time we are apart. My loving Husband, I'm proud of you and what you are doing. I love you and miss you. Stay strong.

Forever Yours,

                   Your Loving Wife

Monday, March 20, 2017

How To Get Little Ones Involved In Writing Letters

My husband Zayne is currently at military boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. I write him every day, but my son, being 3 months old can't really write him. And I know he would love to get anything from him so I came up with ideas to help Eli get involved.

1. Use paint to make hand prints and footprints on your letters. 

Eli can't write or draw yet, so I write letters and use his foot prints or hand prints for him to sign our letters. This way Eli has a part in the letter and Zayne can watch as his little hands and feet grow.  

2- Pictures, the kind you draw

If your child is old enough to scribble on a paper to any extent, then have them draw a picture and send that to your loved one. No matter how messy or crazy the picture is send it to them. I promise the color and the thought will make their day!

3- Pictures 

Now this one is kind of a no brainer. Take pictures of life while your loved one is gone and send them to them. I also am going to get professional pictures done, my sister is a professional photographer (Bekah Hatch Photography) and I am having her take pictures of me and Eli to send to my husband.