Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Letter To My Husband At Basic Training

My Loving Husband,

I wear your RSP dog tags everyday so I have you close to my heart. I count down the days until I can see you next. I hear you telling me I'm strong and that if anyone can handle the distance I can. I imagine you laying next to me every night before bed remembering the times I would keep you up because I had to tell you everything I was thinking. I still tell you everything I'm thinking, just in written form. So of course sometimes my letters don't make any sense. But that's okay because you know me and you will understand. My loving Husband, I'm grateful for the sacrifices you make for our family. but most of all, I'm grateful for you and for the strength you give me through the things you have told me in the past. Those things help me get through this time we are apart. My loving Husband, I'm proud of you and what you are doing. I love you and miss you. Stay strong.

Forever Yours,

                   Your Loving Wife

Monday, March 20, 2017

How To Get Little Ones Involved In Writing Letters

My husband Zayne is currently at military boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. I write him every day, but my son, being 3 months old can't really write him. And I know he would love to get anything from him so I came up with ideas to help Eli get involved.

1. Use paint to make hand prints and footprints on your letters. 

Eli can't write or draw yet, so I write letters and use his foot prints or hand prints for him to sign our letters. This way Eli has a part in the letter and Zayne can watch as his little hands and feet grow.  

2- Pictures, the kind you draw

If your child is old enough to scribble on a paper to any extent, then have them draw a picture and send that to your loved one. No matter how messy or crazy the picture is send it to them. I promise the color and the thought will make their day!

3- Pictures 

Now this one is kind of a no brainer. Take pictures of life while your loved one is gone and send them to them. I also am going to get professional pictures done, my sister is a professional photographer (Bekah Hatch Photography) and I am having her take pictures of me and Eli to send to my husband.