Wednesday, February 22, 2017

5 ways to show your husband you love him

I'm lazy. I HATE doing laundry. I HATE cleaning at all. I procrastinate. I start fights with my husband over absolutely nothing. But he still loves me. He still tells me I'm perfect. And he still acts like I'm the most amazing person in the world.

Zayne is the most unselfish person. He is so amazing and kind. He works hard for our family and is willing to put himself last. I love him so much, but sometimes I feel like I don't show it enough. So I have come up with some fun ways to show your husband you love him.

1- A book of love notes.

I got this little notebook for a buck from Wal-Mart before we were married and started writing love notes to him in it. I would write about fun memories we had and add pictures, movie tickets, concert tickets, etc. to help save our amazing memories we have together. I wrote in it from the beginning of August until Christmas eve when I put it in his stocking.

 3- Puns!

I LOVE puns. I think they are the most hilarious thing ever. So I found a bunch of cute ones about love on Pinterest drew them on a note card and taped them up to the bathroom mirror for him to find.

I cannoli be happy when I'm with you
I love you berry much 
You're my butter half
We make a nice pear
Owl always love you
I love you from my head tomatoes
I lava you
Olive you

4- Notes

In addition to my book of love notes I like to leave random notes around the house. I'll leave it on the door for him to see when he gets home from work. On the bathroom mirror for him to see when he wakes up to go to work. Just anywhere that he could find them and they would make his day. 

5- A chatbook dedicated to showing him you love him.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dual Military Couples

Two different branches. Two different bases. Two different deployments. Two different people serving our country. But they are one family. One love. One dual military couple.

Dual military couples have the strongest of marriages. They live each day not knowing when their next deployment is going to be and whether they will both be deployed or just one. Not knowing whether they will be deployed to the same place or two different places, miles apart. That would have to be the hardest part of being a duel military couple. But having that possibility of being far apart makes the time they do spend together even more special.

But when a couple makes the decision to go dual military (if they were not both previously enlisted before they met) people seem to look down on that decision. Like when I first told my mom that I saw a career opportunity in the military that I was interested in the first thing she said was, "Yeah, but you don't want to do that. You shouldn't have both parents in the military and I don't like that kind of stuff for girls." and, "Remember your aunt was in the national guard and got deployed and your uncle had to take care of the kids?"

Now I love my mom and I respect her opinion but this is one area where I don't agree with her.

First off, a lot of people are married with kids and are dual military. It's completely possible; it may be tough at times but it is doable and if you think its what God wants you to do then don't let other people tell you its the wrong decision.

Second, the military takes care of its military families. They make sure you have a plan for if both parents get deployed and they make sure your child has enough food and support. The military does try to not deploy both parents at the same time but, sometimes that just isn't possible, and by joining the military both spouses understand that that is a possibility.

If others can do dual military so can I, and so can you if that what you feel is right for your family. It may be tough. There may be a lot of obstacles that you and your spouse will have to go through. But it is completely possible and is full of so many great opportunities that maybe other wise your family wouldn't have. So if you have the desire to serve this country and join the military then do it. If that's what God is telling you to do then listen. God knows all. He knows if you should join or not. So if you have the desire but are unsure if its right for your family pray. You will get your answer. Do what is right for you and your family, not what society tells you is right.